The ability of social network which allows any person or community connected to each other makes the development of social networks has increased rapidly. This function give us a chance to interact with another people that we have never met before. With Social network we are also able to explore a variety of programming language.
It is very hard to learn programming only with text book or article without no one who will guide us. With social network we can learn directly to the experts even though we are in different places. In addition, we also can make an application directly in social networks using a programming language.
Facebook is one of a social network that provides how to create an application using so many programming languages, such as php. Besides php, there are many more programming languages that can be applied within Facebook, we can also learn sql to the database, html to create web pages, and flash to make various applications or games that can be uploaded for distribution through facebook.
Not only Facebook, it is so many forum and mailing list which can give us so many knowledge about programming. We can give personal opinion about some problem and we can ask any problem about programming. We can share that problem to get an answer from many people.
So, It is a good choice if we choose social networks to helps us learn about programming language. We can ask any problem from the expert and we can make some application that so many people used in social network.
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