Sehat Sutardja, Make Us Proud

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By : Bara Iman Prasetyanto

Sehat Sutardja

Sehat Sutardja, maybe some Indonesian didn’t know who he is. But, in U.S, who doesn't know him ? Sehat is a one of success immigrant in U.S, he emigrated to the U.S. when he was 19 years old. Sehat Sutardja, his wife, and his brother started Marvell Technology Group a decade ago with the crazy idea of entering a semiconductor niche already crowded by two dozen competitors. Big ones, in fact, like Texas Instruments (ticker: TXN), STMicroelectronics (STM) and National Semiconductor (NSM).

As co-founder of Marvell Technology Group Ltd., Dr. Sutardja has served as President, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Chairman of its Board of Directors since its inception and as Chairman of the Board since 2003. In addition, he serves as President, Chief Executive Officer, and as a Director of Marvell’s U.S. operating subsidiary, Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. While remaining deeply involved in the daily challenges of running a global growth company, Dr. Sutardja participates heavily in Marvell’s engineering and marketing efforts across analog, video processor, and microprocessor design while offering input across all of the company’s other product lines.

Da Vinci chip

If you look inside an e-reader, game console, Blu-ray player, TV, or smartphone and odds are you’ll find a cluster of chips that designed by Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Marvell chip made ​​very easily found on the Cisco switch, Apple iPod, Xbox 360 or on disk drive products other large companies. Working closely with Intel, Marvell seems more intense and can be aligned with Qualcomm, Freescale Semiconductor and TI.

Sehat Sutardja

Who knows that in just 10 years, Dr.Sutardja can lead Marvell that has 1800 employees and transformed into worth billions dollars company. Based on the success and experience, Sehat giva an advice to his students:

"Learn as much as possible, about the software, biology, advanced physics, all things. Knowing the type of knowledge alone is not enough. Many people stop learning when they want to become an entrepreneur. That is the biggest mistake there. "

Course : Software Engineering Assignment

Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari M.Sc, MM

Potential security problem and challenge: Awas!, "Carder" mengintai anda

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Oleh: Bara Iman Prasetyanto

Teknologi, ibarat mata uang yang mempunyai dua sisi. Begitu banyak hal positif yang dapat kita ambil, namun, dampak negatif dari kemajuan tersebut juga akan muncul sebagai tandingannya. Perkembangan teknologi berupa internet ini juga ditangkap oleh para pelaku kejahatan sebagai sarana untuk melakukan kejahatan berdimensi baru yang selanjutnya dikenal sebagai cyber crime, apalagi karena internet ini merupakan barang baru, otomatis banyak negara belum siap dengan perangkat hukum untuk mengaturnya. Oleh karena itu, angka kejahatan ini dari tahun ke tahun makin meningkat secara signifikan jumlahnya, baik dari segi korban maupun jumlah uang yang raib.

Ada banyak pendapat tentang macam kejahatan yang termasuk dalam kategori cyber crime namun secara umum jenis-jenis kejahatan yang termasuk dalam kategori ini antara lain cyber terrorism, cyber pornography, cyber stalking, cyber espionage, data forgery, hacking, dan carding ( credit card fraud ). Jadi sudah jelas bahwa carding atau credit card fraud merupakan salah satu dari jenis cyber crime.

Begitu banyak tutorial carding yang tersebar di internet, membuat kita harus waspada terhadap cyber crime jenis ini. Ada berbagai cara untuk melakukan kejahatan jenis ini. Biasanya para pemula, menggunakan teknik Phising & Scaming, karena teknik ini lah yang paling mudah untuk dilakukan. Biasanya para pemula membuat suatu situs yang begitu mirip dengan website lain untuk mencuri berbagai informasi tentang Credit Card anda. Hal ini pernah terjadi di Indonesia yaitu pada kasus website "klik BCA".

Mungkin sebagian orang akan sulit mengenali mana situs yang "fake" mana situs yang asli. Sebenarnya sangat mudah membedakannya, yaitu melihat domain/url yang ada pada website yang kita buka. Pastikan website yang kita buka itu adalah website yang asli. Namun, tetap saja ada sebagian orang yang masih belum mengerti tentang masalah ini.

Selain Phising dan Scamming, masih banyak lagi teknik-teknik yang dilakukan para carder untuk melakukan kejahatan ini secara online.Namun saya tidak akan menjelaskan secara detail teknik-teknik yang digunakan, karena tulisan ini tidak bertujuan untuk memberikan tutorial carding pada orang lain. Teknik-teknik itu diantaranya adalah :

1. SQL Injection Basic

Teknik ini menggunakan kelemahan dari SQL Injection String Login, caranya cukup mudah hanya dengan memasukkan beberapa code pada user dan password untuk login di website store admin.

2. Shopping Order Log

Ini sangat mudah untuk di dapatkan, ada berbagai log yang tersimpan di berbagai server. Bisanya dalam bentuk *.log, *.rtf, *.txt, *.xls, dsb.

3. Database Source Location

Pada bagian ini, kita mendapatkan informasi lokasi database. Sehingga kita bisa mendownload database yang ada di server. Kebanyakan yang include di server .mdb.

4. SQL Injection Advanced Shop Vulnreabilty

Mengunakan SQL Injection dengan cara menggunakan sedikit kombinasi: union, join, select, update, dsb.

5. Admin Shop Send Mail Order

Teknik ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan teknik-teknik lainnya. Database suatu website merupakan bagian yang penting dalam teknik ini.

Selain secara online, carding juga dapat dilakukan secara fisik. Carding dilakukan dengan mengunakan kartu kredit milik orang lain untuk berbelanja di tempat belanja yang menerima pembayaran memakai kartu kredit. Baik itu di tempat-tempat pembelanjaan yang modern, mall, toko mas, serta semua tempat-tempat yang berlogo Master, Visa, Maestro, Cirrus, American-Express dan sebagainya.

Sebagai penutup, saya hanya dapat berpesan, berhati-hatilah terhadap perkembangan teknologi khususnya Internet. Pastikan seluruh kegiatan anda selama di dunia maya tidak di pantau oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Semoga tulisan ini dapat menjadi sebuah ilmu sebagai pembelajaran yang berharga dalam kehidupan.

Sumber : diakses pada 25/9/2011 pukul 20:30 diakses pada 25/9/2011 pukul 20:30 diakses pada 26/9/2011 pukul 21:30

Dual boot Windows 7 and Windows 8

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The Windows Developer Preview is a pre-beta version of Windows 8 for developers. These downloads include prerelease software that may change without notice. The software is provided as is, and you bear the risk of using it. It may not be stable, operate correctly or work the way the final version of the software will. It should not be used in a production environment. The features and functionality in the prerelease software may not appear in the final version. Some product features and functionality may require advanced or additional hardware, or installation of other software.

Installing Windows 8 over your main Windows setup is a scary (and unrealistic) prospect. Here's how to dual boot Windows 8 with your current Windows 7 installation so you can run them both side by side.

If you've ever dual booted a machine before, this shouldn't seem too foreign. All you need to do is create a new partition for Windows 8, install it on that partition, and then edit your new boot menu so Windows 7 stays the default OS. Here's how to do it.

Step One: Create a New Partition

Before you start, make a backup of your data—you're going to be formatting drives and installing OSes, so anything could go wrong, and you don't want to lose your whole system. When you're ready, we'll need to create some space for Windows 8 on your hard drive. Assuming you have at least 20GB of space free on your drive, you're going to use Windows' Disk Management to set partition those 20GB for Windows 8. Open the Start Menu and right click on the "Computer" option. Click "Manage", and in the window that appears, click on "Disk Management" in the left sidebar.

Find your system hard disk in the graphical list that appears in the bottom pane. Right-click on it and then click "Shrink Volume". Shrink it down so you have at least 20GB of space left on the end of the drive, and click OK. Then, click on the "Unallocated" block of that drive that appears and click "New Simple Volume". Click Next on the next few windows until you get to the "Format Partition" window. Here, give it a volume label you'll recognize (like "Windows 8") and click Next. It should format the drive for you. Now you're all set to install Windows 8.

Step Two: Install Windows 8

If you haven't downloaded the Developer Preview ISO yet, head over to the Windows Developer Center and download it. Burn it onto a DVD using something like ImgBurn, or burn it to a thumb drive if you don't have a DVD drive in your machine. Make sure your computer is set to boot from CD or USB, stick in your installation media, and reboot.

Note :

If you want to install the Windows Developer Preview, but have no blank DVDs or usable thumb drives, fear not. It's fairly simple. This assumes you are installing the preview on a computer already running Windows, of course.

  1. Download the ISO file from Microsoft.

  2. Mount the ISO using Daemon Tools, Clone Drive, or similar.

  3. This is important. Do not use the autorun installer. The autorun installer only allows you to upgrade your existing Windows installation and will not allow you to install to a separate hard drive or partition.

  4. Navigate to the virtual install disc and go to the folder called "sources".

  5. Run setup.exe and proceed as if installing Windows Vista or 7.

How to Dual-Boot Windows 7 and Windows 8 Side By Side

If you get a prompt to "Press any key to boot from DVD", then hit a key on your keyboard. You should boot right into the Windows 8 installer. It actually looks almost exactly like the Windows 7 installer, so it should seem a little familiar. Just pick your language, hit "Install Now", and choose "Custom" when asked what type of install you'd like to perform.

On the next screen, find your new partition on the list of drives. Make sure it's the right one, because you're about to write over whatever's on it. Hit "Next" and let the installer do its thing. When you're done, your computer should reboot into Windows 8. It'll probably reboot one more time after it does, then you'll be greeted with the Windows 8 Start screen. If you choose to enter a Windows Live ID here, make sure you have access to your email and can confirm your computer—otherwise it might not let you boot into it.

Step Three: Make Windows 7 the Default (Optional)

How to Dual-Boot Windows 7 and Windows 8 Side By SideYou'll notice when you first boot up into Windows 8 that you're presented with a new graphical boot menu that'll let you choose between your Windows 7 and Windows 8 installations. Windows 8 will be the default, meaning if you don't manually choose Windows 7 from the menu, your computer will boot into Windows 8 after three seconds of inactivity. Chances are, you don't want to make Windows 8 the default quite yet, so here's how to make Windows 7 the default.

On the boot menu, click on the button at the bottom that says "Change Defaults or Choose Other Options", and hit "Choose the Default Operating System". From there, you can pick Windows 7 from the menu. From now on, your computer will boot into Windows 7 by default, but if you feel like playing around with Windows 8 that day, you can just pick it from the boot menu.

Notes :


· 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor;
· 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit);
· 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit);
· DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.
· Taking advantage of touch input requires a screen that supports multi-touch


· Upgrade from Windows 7 installation is not supported for pre-release code; only clean installs are supported.

· You can't uninstall the Windows Developer Preview. To reinstall your previous operating system, you must have restore or installation media.

· The Windows Developer Preview is a pre-beta version of Windows 8 for developers. These downloads include prerelease software that may change without notice. The software is provided as is, and you bear the risk of using it. It may not be stable, operate correctly or work the way the final version of the software will. It should not be used in a production environment. The features and functionality in the prerelease software may not appear in the final version. Some product features and functionality may require advanced or additional hardware, or installation of other software.
Here are some key features of "Windows 8":

Programming and Social Network

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Programming and Social Network

by Bara Iman Prasetyanto

The ability of social network which allows any person or community connected to each other makes the development of social networks has increased rapidly. This function give us a chance to interact with another people that we have never met before. With Social network we are also able to explore a variety of programming language.

It is very hard to learn programming only with text book or article without no one who will guide us. With social network we can learn directly to the experts even though we are in different places. In addition, we also can make an application directly in social networks using a programming language.

Facebook is one of a social network that provides how to create an application using so many programming languages, such as php. Besides php, there are many more programming languages ​​that can be applied within Facebook, we can also learn sql to the database, html to create web pages, and flash to make various applications or games that can be uploaded for distribution through facebook.

Not only Facebook, it is so many forum and mailing list which can give us so many knowledge about programming. We can give personal opinion about some problem and we can ask any problem about programming. We can share that problem to get an answer from many people.

So, It is a good choice if we choose social networks to helps us learn about programming language. We can ask any problem from the expert and we can make some application that so many people used in social network.

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